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Tips Mempercepat Proses Komputer

Posted by | Posted on 02.20

Tidak ada salahnya menggunakan komputer apa adanya. Tentu saja, ada risikonya. Misalnya, komputer kian hari kian lambat. Padahal perawatan sudah dijalankan. Baik meng-update driver, menghapus file sampah, dan beragam perawatan rutin lain.
Atau mungkin komputer berjalan stabil, namun suara yang ditimbulkannya sangat mengganggu. Masalah burn CD kadang juga membuat jengkel. Apalagi misalnya, CD tersebut hendak digunakan pada audio di mobil.
Sebel memang jika PC tidak menuruti kemauan kita sebagai pemiliknya. Semua masalah yang mungkin timbul seperti di atas disebabkan PC yang liar. Seperti kuda dari padang rumput, sebelum digunakan harus dijinakkan terlebih dahulu. Agar kita terhindar dari ketidaknyamanan menungganginya.
Berikut ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana cara menanggulangi berbagai permasalahan saat menggunakan PC, baik di rumah maupun di tempat kerja. Kami juga menambahkan cara penyelamatan data e-mail. Selamat mencoba!.
1. Percepat Booting dan Ringankan beban CPU
Seiring dengan waktu, lama kelamaan PC terasa makin lambat dan ‘berat’. Apa saja yang dapat dilakukan untuk menanggulanginya?
* Langkah pertama mempercepat boot via BIOS. Untuk keterangan selengkapnya, Anda dapat melihatnya pada “Menguak Tabir BIOS” di PC Media 04/2004 yang lalu.
* Selanjutnya mulai ke area operating system. Untuk Windows XP, mulai dengan membuka System Configuration Utility. Pada tab BOOT.INI, beri tanda (P) pada “/NOGUIBOOT”. Ini akan mempersingkat waktu boot dengan menghilangkan Windows startup screen. Pada tab Startup, seleksi ulang seminimal mungkin item yang sangat dibutuhkan. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan pada service yang dijalankan. Usahakan jumlah service yang ter-load tidak lebih dari 25.
* Windows XP memang tampak begitu memukau pada tampilannya. Jika kebutuhan utama Anda adalah kecepatan dan bukan keindahan, setting ulang interface ini dapat menambah kecepatan. Masuk ke System Properties, pilih tab Advanced. Setting ulang pada pilihan Performance. Kemudian pilih “Adjust for Best Performance” pada tab Visual Effects.
* Menghilangkan wallpaper dan minimalisasi jumlah desktop icon juga dapat mempercepat PC Anda. Kurangi jumlah desktop icon sampai maksimal lima buah.
* Menghilangkan bunyi pada event Start Windows juga akan mempercepat proses boot. Mau lebih cepat lagi? Pilih “No Sounds” pada sound scheme.
* Berapa jumlah font yang terinstal pada Windows Anda? Makin banyak jumlah font yang terinstal akan menambah berat beban kerja PC Anda. Windows secara default menyertakan sejumlah kurang dari 100 font. Usahakan jumlah font yang terinstal pada kisaran 150 font.
* Anda rajin meng-update driver? Bagus. Namun tahukah Anda, file-file yang digunakan driver lama Anda dapat memperlambat PC. Cara paling mudah menggunakan utility tambahan seperti Driver Cleaner. Utility ini membersihkan driver nVidia dan ATI terdahulu. Driver Cleaner 3.0, juga dapat membersihkan driver lama beberapa chipset motherboard, sound card, dan lain-lain.
2. Overclock
Ini bagian yang paling menarik. Pada bagian ini kami akan memandu overclocking, dengan mengandalkan beberapa software yang bisa di-download gratis dari internet.
Overclock Video Card
Overclocking pada video card, relatif mudah apalagi dengan Powerstrip.
* Anda bisa menggunakan Powerstrip dengan men-download dari
* Atur konfigurasi dari Performace profile, dengan klik kanan di tray icon.
* Anda akan melihat dua buah vertical slider. Slider kiri, control untuk core speed video card. Slider kanan merupakan control dari kecepatan memory video card.
* Tambahkan core speed video card secara bertahap (maksimal 2 Mhz). Lakukan tes stabilitas dengan memainkan game 3D atau menjalankan benchmark. Ulangi hal tersebut sampai core speed maksimal dari video card. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk memory clock. Kini Anda bisa menikmati frame rates baru yang lebih cepat secara gratis.
Overclock Motheboard
Untuk melakukan overclock terhadap motherboard sedikit berbeda. Anda harus menyesuaikan aplikasi sesuai dengan chipset motherboard. Di sini kami mengambil contoh overclocking dua buah motherboard. Pertama adalah motherboard dengan chipset nForce2.
* Untuk motherboard dengan chipset nVidia, Anda bisa memanfaatkan aplikasi NV system utilities dari
* Pada aplikasi ini, tinggal menggeser slider kearah kanan pada bagian Bus speeds. Ini akan menyesuaikan clock FSB juga memory bus. Untuk AGP bus, tersedia pada slider yang terpisah.
* Tersedia juga setting untuk memory control timing. Setting memory yang lebih agresif akan menguntungkan untuk sistem AMD.
* Sama seperti pada video card, Anda harus menambahkan secara bertahap FSB dan AGP bus. Jalankan tes stabilitas. Setelah selesai, Anda bisa mengakhiri dengan mengklik tombol (OK). Catatan: ketika OC yang Anda lakukan tidak sesuai, maka komputer akan otomatis hang dan terpaksa me-restart komputer.
Motherboard kedua adalah Intel D875PBZ. Menggunakan Intel Desktop Control Center, sayangnya utiliti ini hanya berjalan pada motherboard keluaran Intel.
* Untuk melakukan OC, Anda bisa melakukannya dengan otomatis.
* Bisa juga secara manual. Pada menu Tune yang terdapat di bagian atas, pilih option Burn-in, enable burn-in mode.
* Terdapat Host I/O mode dan AGP/PCI mode. Pada Host I/O mode, OC dilakukan berdasarkan persentase hingga 4 %. Sedangkan pada AGP/PCI mode, menaikkan bus clock AGP yang otomatis akan meningkatkan clock PCI.
* Setelah melakukan penambahan, Anda bisa mengukur stabilitas. Dengan melakukan stress-it pada bagian kiri bawah aplikasi yang bertanda centang.
3. Upgrade Processor
Sebelum membeli sebuah processor baru, pastikan bahwa motherboard yang Anda miliki mampu mendukung calon processor baru Anda (lihat tabel “Chipset dan Processor Support”). Selain itu, pastikan juga maksimum FSB untuk processor yang mampu didukung motherboard Anda. Hal ini juga berhubungan banyak dengan chipset yang digunakan pada motherboard Anda.
Sebagai contoh untuk processor Intel. Chipset Intel seri 845 hanya memiliki bus maksimal 533 MHz. Berbeda dengan chipset Intel 848 ataupun 875P yang sudah mampu bekerja dengan processor dengan bus 800 MHz.
Hal ini juga berlaku untuk processor AMD. Seperti VIA KT400 yang belum bisa bekerja dengan bus processor 400 MHz. Berbeda dengan KT600 yang sudah mampu bekerja pada bus processor 400 MHz.
Ada baiknya juga untuk memastikan produsen motherboard yang Anda gunakan menyediakan update BIOS pada situsnya. Terutama update BIOS untuk kecepatan processor yang terbaru. Update BIOS diperlukan sekiranya BIOS lama motherboard Anda belum mendukung (biasanya) multiplier processor terbaru.
4. Cara mudah Ripping CD
Walaupun Anda sudah menggunakan aplikasi dan metode yang lain sebagai andalan untuk melakukan ripping CD Audio, namun tidak ada salahnya mencoba alternatif lain. Siapa tahu hasilnya akan jauh lebih baik dari yang selama ini Anda lakukan. Lagipula, software yang kami tawarkan di sini dapat Anda gunakan secara gratis.
Jika Anda ingin memiliki kumpulan MP3 music dengan kualitas yang baik kami memberikan beberapa buah tip. Di mana kunci utamanya terletak pada tiga buah komponen, yaitu:
* Sebuah program ripping yang tidak akan mengizinkan ekstraksi yang buruk dihasilkan. Artinya Anda tidak perlu mencek ulang satu per satu file hasil ripping yang dihasilkan secara manual.
* MP3 encoder yang baik dan mampu menghasilkan data audio dengan kualitas yang baik dengan kompresi file audio yang juga baik.
* Proses audio ripping nya sendiri yang cukup mudah untuk dilakukan.
Dengan proses yang terbilang sederhana, Anda akan mampu melakukan proses ripping dengan menggunakan LAME encoder. Termasuk juga cara mengatur nama, nomor, dan tag dari semua track yang ada dengan mudah.
Download EAC dan LAME Encoder
Yang akan digunakan di sini adalah sebuah software yang cukup mengesankan. Yaitu Exact Audio Copy (EAC), download aplikasi tersebut pada
Tidak seperti aplikasi ripping lainnya, EAC dapat melakukan pemeriksaan ulang terhadap setiap bit data dengan source data. Tujuannya untuk memperoleh tingkat akurasi tinggi yang mampu mendekati CD Audio aslinya. Jika aplikasi tersebut menemukan perbedaan, maka aplikasi tersebut akan melakukan ripping ulang dan sekali lagi jika diperlukan.
Tentunya hal tersebut akan memperlambat proses ripping itu sendiri. Tapi dengan melihat dari hasil yang didapat, hal tersebut bukan lagi sebuah masalah. Perlu diingat, proses ripping ulang hanya akan dilakukan jika terjadi perbedaan. Bisa disebabkan karena CD yang tergores, ataupun adanya copy protection pada CD yang bersangkutan.
Anda juga akan memerlukan LAME Encoder, di mana encoder tersebut telah dikenal cukup lama sebagai MP3 encoder terbaik yang pernah ada. Hingga saat ini versi terbarunya adalah Lame 3.95.1. Anda dapat men-download-nya di Setelah Anda mendapatkan kedua aplikasi tersebut, lakukan proses Unzip dan simpan ke dalam satu folder yang sama. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memudahkan pencarian saat pertama kali menggunakan aplikasi EAC tersebut.
Konfigurasi EAC
Berikut ini hal-hal yang harus Anda perhatikan saat hendak menggunakan EAC. Hanya ada beberapa hal yang perlu dikonfigurasi ulang, namun penting untuk dilakukan.
1. Pada saat kali pertama menggunakan aplikasi, EAC akan melakukan proses initial drive test. Pilih Optimization untuk “accurate results”. Jika Anda memiliki lebih dari satu buah optical drive, maka EAC akan memilih drive yang terbaik sebagai drive default-nya. Tetapi Anda bisa saja mengubahnya. EAC juga akan melakukan konfigurasi LAME. EAC akan memulainya dengan mencoba mencari LAME pada drive Anda. Akan lebih mudah jika Anda memberikan letak folder dari LAME secara manual. Kemudian pilih “standard” untuk LAME setting. Terakhir pilihlah Expert interface option, di sinilah kekuatan EAC ini. Karena pada option inilah Anda dapat memaksimalkan kerja aplikasi tersebut.
2. Pilih EAC|EAC Options Menu|General dan berikan tanda centang (P) pada “On Unknown CDs”. Kemudian klik pada bagian “Automaticaly access online freedb database”, jika PC Anda terhubung dengan internet. Jika Anda bertanya untuk apa? Ini adalah untuk menyinkronisasikan data album CD (nama artis, judul album, dan judul lagu) dari database yang tersedia di Internet. Tetapi jika PC tidak terhubung pada internet atau database dari CD Anda tidak tersedia, Anda terpaksa mengisi tag info masing-masing lagu secara manual.
3. Masih dari menu tersebut pilih pada bagian Filename. Pada bagian Naming scheme tuliskan %A\%C\%N - %T. Hal tersebut akan berpengaruh pada letak folder dari file hasil ekstrak data yang Anda lakukan. Dimulai dari nama artist (%A), nama album (%C), nomor track (%N), dan terakhir judul lagu (%T). Seperti pada contoh ini: BonJovi> TheseDays>01-Diamond.mp3
4. Pilih directories masih dari menu yang sama. Pilih pada bagian “Use this directory” dengan begitu EAC akan secara otomatis memasukkan hasil ekstrak ke dalam direktori yang telah Anda berikan tersebut.
5. Masuk pada menu EAC|Drive Options. Kemudian berikan tanda pada “Drive is capable of retrieving C2 error information”. Hal ini untuk lebih memaksimalkan kemampuan drive optik Anda untuk keperluan ripping ini. Biasanya secara default option ini sudah di-enable oleh EAC. Tetapi jika setelah melakukan ripping ternyata Anda menemui noise-noise yang terdengar dalam tempo yang konstan, disable option ini. Biasanya hal ini akan mengatasi masalah tersebut.
6. Masuk pada menu EAC|Compression Options menu. Pilih pada bagian External Compression dan pastikan LAME MP3 Encoder ditampilkan pada bagian “Parameter passing scheme”. Jika belum ditampilkan, lakukan pemilihan secara manual.
7. Masih pada menu yang sama, masuk pada bagian “Bit Rate” dan pilihlah Variable Bitrate menjadi 192 Kbps. Tetapi jika komputer Anda tidak mampu melakukan sampling hingga 192 Kbps, 128 Kbps kiranya sudah cukup baik.
8. Masuk pada bagian EAC|freedb options dan konfirmasikan alamat e-mail Anda. Tetapi sekali lagi, jika Anda tidak terhubung ke internet hal tersebut tidak perlu dilakukan.
Mulai Pengoperasian
Sekarang Anda sudah siap mengoperasikan EAC dan mulai melakukan proses ripping. Masukkan CD audio yang Anda miliki dan klik pada bagian MP3 yang terletak di sebelah kiri atas. Setelah selesai melakukan ripping, cobalah periksa hasil ripping. Apabila tidak terdengar apapun, berarti ada kesalahan, lakukan pemeriksaan terhadap setting yang telah ditentukan tadi. Jika ternyata setting-nya sudah benar, cobalah lakukan download ASPI layer yang bisa didapat dari Karena Anda tidak akan bisa melakukan ripping tanpa adanya ASPI layer dalam sistem komputer Anda. Letakkan file tersebut pada direktori yang sama dengan EAC dan LAME tadi. Ulangi proses ripping sekali lagi.
Jika Anda menemui kesulitan, cobalah masuk pada situs dan klik pada bagian “Elite DAE”, di mana terdapat forum yang menyediakan jawaban dari berbagai macam pertanyaan yang ada.
5. Burning CD dengan Sempurna
Untuk mendapatkan hasil burning CD yang sempurna bukan lah hal yang mudah. Di sini ada beberapa tip mudah untuk memperbaiki hasil burning CD.
* Saat burning CD audio, proses burning sebaiknya dilakukan pada maksimal kecepatan 24x. Jika CD ditujukan untuk disetel di CD player pada sistem car audio sebaiknya pada kecepatan maksimal 4x. Hal ini untuk menghindari masalah kompatibilitas dengan CD player dan sistem error correction yang terdapat pada CD audio (terutama untuk sistem car audio). Proses burning akan lebih lama, tapi hasilnya lebih terjamin.
* ‘Finalize’ CD hasil burning. Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan kompatibilitas untuk kebanyakan CD player.
* Gunakan media CD yang berkualitas. Salah satu caranya dengan mengandalkan media dari merk terkenal. Atau Anda dapat memilihnya dari review yang ada di media cetak maupun internet.
* Selalu gunakan mode Disc-at-Once (daripada Track-at-Once). Multisession punya tingat kompatibilitas yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan single session.
* Jika Anda membuat sebuah CD “mix”, pastikan untuk menormalkan level volume pada setiap track. Beberapa software burning menyediakan fasilitas ini. Atau Anda dapat melakukannya sendiri (dengan hasil yg lebih baik) menggunakan MP3Gain, yang bisa di-download di
6. Ssstttt…jangan berisik!
Suara lantunan MP3 koleksi Anda memang enak didengar. Mendengar deru mobil dari adegan pada film, desingan tembakan dari game pada PC Anda menambah seru suasana. Namun dengungan suara yang dihasilkan PC Anda, bukanlah hal yang menyenangkan untuk didengar. Apalagi jika Anda termasuk orang yang jarang mematikan PC, meskipun tertidur. Bisa-bisa mimpi Anda menjadi mimpi buruk didatangi lebah berukuran raksasa karena mendengar dengungan yang dibuat oleh PC Anda. Bagaimana cara memberantasnya? Komponen apa saja pada PC yang berisik?
Optimalkan pendingin PC Anda
Fan memang menjadi senjata utama kebanyakan PC untuk mengusir panas dari komponen. Namun, fan ini juga yang sekaligus menjadi biang kerok keributan yang menghasilkan dengungan konstan pada PC Anda. Coba hitung saja total fan yang terpasang pada PC Anda. Satu pada HSF (heatsink fan) processor, satu terintegrasi pada power supply. Belum lagi jika motherboard dilengkapi dengan HSF pada chipset, HSF GPU (graphic processor unit) pada video card. Anda yang mengutamakan kesejukan pada casing PC Anda kebanyakan menambahkan mulai dari 1 buah fan sampai dengan 2-4 fan tambahan untuk memastikan aliran udara pada casing. Belum lagi yang senang memanjakan harddsik (apalagi yang memiliki RPM tinggi), kadang menambahkan harddisk cooler yang artinya fan tambahan lagi.
Jika Anda sedang mencari fan tambahan, usahakan mencari fan yang berkualitas dengan tingkat kebisingan rendah. Fan yang baik tidak banyak menghasilkan getaran saat beroperasi. Fan berdiameter besar mempunyai kecenderungan menghasilkan tingkat kebisingan yang lebih rendah. Jadi jika casing Anda memungkinkan, pilih fan berukuran 120 mm daripada fan 80 mm.
Jika Anda terlanjur memiliki fan yang banyak, coba pastikan mana yang paling tepat guna untuk casing Anda. Caranya cukup mudah. Bermodalkan program monitoring hardware, seperti Motherboard Monitor. Utiliti ini memiliki tampilan display (yang disebut Dashboard) yang sangat mudah dibaca. Bahkan tersedia juga log hasil pembacaan dalam rentang waktu tertentu. Untuk memonitor suhu harddisk, bisa memanfaatkan HDD Thermometer 1.0.
Cari kombinasi fan yang paling tepat dengan tingkat pendinginan yang paling optimal. Coba jalankan PC dengan load penuh (sambil bermain game atau menjalankan aplikasi yang berat) selama tidak kurang dari 15 menit. Lihat suhu maksimal yang tercatat pada Motherboard Monitor. Bandingkan nilainya dengan kombinasi fan tambahan yang lain. Pilih yang mana menurut Anda paling baik antara jumlah fan dengan tingkat kebisingan yang dihasilkan, menyesuaikan dengan lingkungan sekitar. Jika ada fan yang tersisa, jadikan saja sebagai cadangan jika ada fan yang mengalami kerusakan.
Catatan dari kami: usah gelisah jika suhu processor Anda tidak pernah mencapai kisaran 50ÂșC.
Ngebut berarti maut berlaku di jalanan. Namun pada PC Anda, ngebut berarti tambahan kebisingan. Terutama untuk drive optik dan harddisk Anda. Tidak berarti Anda harus bertoleransi dengan lambatnya PC Anda. Hanya saja aturlah kecepatan PC Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Untuk drive optik, caranya cukup mudah. Cukup mengandalkan software Nero DriveSpeed 2.0. Atur kecepatan pada kisaran 24–32x. Anda bahkan dapat mengatur lama waktu sebelum drive optik Anda spin down. Saat membutuhkan kecepatan tinggi pada drive optik Anda, tinggal mengembalikan setting pada kecepatan maksimal. Hal ini akan dibutuhkan saat drive optik digunakan untuk proses ripping atau meng-copy file dari CD/DVD.
Begitu juga untuk harddisk Anda. Sayangnya, hal ini tidak berlaku di semua merk harddisk. Sebagai contoh, seperti untuk harddisk Maxtor dengan AMSET utilitinya, ataupun harddisk IBM-Hitachi dengan Feature Tool. Sesuaikan setting dengan tingkat kebisingan sesuai keinginan Anda.
Suara berisik dari komputer Anda juga dapat terjadi karena getaran yang dihasilkan. Fan dengan kualitas yang buruk dapat menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Usahakan untuk mendapatkan fan dengan getaran yang minimal. Sekrup yang tidak terpasang dengan baik juga menyebabkan suara getaran. Yang ini cukup dengan mengencangkan sekrup-sekrup yang terpasang pada PC Anda.
Jika Anda benar-benar muak dengan dengungan bising dari PC Anda, saatnya beralih ke alternatif pendinginan yang lain. Metode watercooling bisa dijadikan pilihan alternatif.
Teknik watercooling secara singkat dapat dianalogikan dengan pendinginan kendaraan bermotor menggunakan pendingin radiator. Watercooling memanfaatkan air untuk mendinginkan panas yang dihasilkan komponen PC, terutama processor. Biasanya terdiri dari tiga bagian utama, water block, copper radiator, dan water pump. Proses pendinginan air sebagai media pendinginan dilakukan pada copper radiator, sedangkan sirkulasi air memanfaatkan water pump. Water block ditempelkan ke processor untuk mengusir panas yang dihasilkan.
Keuntungannya, tingkat kebisingan yang dihasilkan sangat rendah. Fan pada radiator bekerja pada RPM yang tidak terlalu tinggi sehingga tidak bising. Water pump juga tidak bising, hal ini disebabkan karena memanfaatkan air untuk meredam suara yang dihasilkan. Solusi yang cocok untuk yang mencari CPU cooling yang efisien dengan tingkat kebisingan yang rendah.
Perlu diperhatikan adalah kemungkinan bocor yang dapat terjadi jika menggunakan metode watercooling ini. Selain itu, harganya yang masih relatif lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan HSF menjadikan metode pendinginan watercooling bukanlah pilihan untuk kebanyakan pengguna komputer.
7. Perbaiki Aliran Udara dalam Casing
Layaknya sebuah rumah, casing komputer membutuhkan sirkulasi udara yang baik. Tujuannya membantu agar udara di dalam casing tidak terlalu panas.
* Rapikan kabel dalam casing. Kabel berantakan akan menghambat aliran udara dalam casing. Mengikat, salah satu cara paling efektif untuk merapikan kabel. Gabungkan kabel dan ikat dengan plastik strap atau kawat pengikat. Usahakan tidak mengikatnya dengan karet gelang. Suhu panas casing akan membuat karet gelang mengalami deformasi plastik dan akhirnya putus.
* Untuk kabel IDE dan FDD yang bisa Anda lakukan adalah menggantinya dengan round cable. Kabel IDE round cable sedikit banyak memperkecil penampang hambatan udara dalam casing Anda. Tidak tertarik untuk membelinya? Anda bisa mengakali kabel IDE konvensional Anda dengan menggulung dan mengikatnya. Bisa dengan strap ataupun kawat pengikat.
* Untuk membuat fentilasi tambahan, bisa dengan moding casing. Sayangnya, hal ini kurang menarik bagi yang tidak hobi. Alternatif lain, Anda dapat membuka slot PCI yang masih tertutup.
* Tempatkan ekstra fan exhaust pada bagian teratas casing. Logikanya, udara panas akan selalu berada di bagian teratas, sehingga fan efektif untuk mengeluarkan udara panas yang terkurung dalam casing.
8. Cara mudah membersihkan PC
Mulai dengan mencabut semua kabel yang menempel ke komputer, seperti kabel power dan monitor.
* Letakkan casing di lantai dengan dilapisi oleh kain atau karpet.
* Buka penutup casing dan gunakan kompresor angin untuk menghilangkan debu yang menempel.
* Anda juga bisa menggunakan penyedot debu, untuk memaksimalkan pembersihan.
* Bersihkan bagian luar monitor, dengan menggunakan kain bersih. Untuk layar monitor, gunakan kain yang lembut. Jika Anda menggunakan cairan pembersih, sebaiknya disemprotkan ke kain.
* Sedot debu yang menempel di keyboard dengan penyedot debu yang dilengkapi sikat.
* Untuk mouse nonoptikal, lepaskan sekrup pada bagian bawah mouse dan keluarkan bolanya. Bersihkan kotoran yang menempel pada putaran dan bolanya.
* Bersihkan bagian luar casing dengan menggunakan kain lembut dan cairan pembersih.
9. Pasang Saringan udara di casing
Hal ini untuk menjaga kebersihan casing Anda. Tentunya Anda harus memperhatikan bahan yang digunakan karena jika bahan yang digunakan tidak baik, maka Anda akan mengalami permasalahan baru yaitu saluran udara yang tersumbat.
* Anda perlu memasangnya di bagian depan intake kipas. Anda boleh saja memasang saringan pada semua kipas. Namun yang diutamakan di sini adalah pemasangan filter pada kipas yang memberikan udara masuk, di mana debu biasanya ikut masuk.
* Alternatif bahan yang murah dan gampang didapat adalah busa motherboard. Bentuknya yang tipis dan lebar, ideal untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai air filter. Potong sesuai ukuran dan tempel dengan selotip ataupun doubletape.
10. Tidak ketinggalan Berita dengan RSS Aggregator
Ada program yang dikenal dengan sebutan RSS Aggregator. Program RSS aggregator sendiri merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang memungkinkan kita untuk melihat headline beserta link ke isi berita dari sebuah situs penyedia berita. Caranya cukup mudah.
* Gunakan RSS Aggregator. Misalnya, program i-System yang bisa diperoleh di
* Tentukan sumber berita yang Anda inginkan. Misalnya dari Yahoo News atau Detik.Com. Namun, beberapa situs lokal cenderung memproteksi isi headline-nya. Secara default, i-System sudah menyediakan banyak link ke situs-situs yang menyediakan fasilitas RSS atau biasa disebut RSS feed. Klik icon New di toolbar. Setelah muncul sebuah kotak dialog alamat RSS, isilah dengan alamat situs sumber RSS pilihan Anda. Klik Next dan ikuti langkah-langkahnya.
* Feedreader secara otomatis akan memeriksa headline terbaru dan menampilkannya di desktop Anda. Anda juga bisa mengatur interval waktu,kapan feedreader harus memeriksa dan menampilkan headline terbaru atau refresh time. Namun, berdasarkan etika di dunia internet, ada batas waktu minimum untuk refresh RSS, yakni 90 menit.
11. Mem-back-up Data di Outlook
Betapa sedihnya jika data Outlook kita hilang begitu saja. Bisa karena Windows mengalami crash atau sebab lain di luar perkiraan sebelumnya. Untuk menanggulanginya, back-up semua folder di Outlook secara periodik. Ada beberapa tip yang perlu Anda pahami untuk mencegah data di Outlook hilang begitu saja.
* Back-up secara manual dengan menggunakan perintah Export di bawah menu File. Pilih option Export to File dari kotak dialog yang muncul. Kemudian pilih option Personal Folder File (.pst). Tentukan folder yang hendak di-back-up dan lokasi penyimpanannya sekalian. Kami sarankan untuk juga mem-back-up di CD.
* Anda juga bisa back-up data menggunakan Archive-nya Outlook. Caranya, pilih menu Tools, pilih Options. Pada kotak dialog yang terbuka, buka tab Other dan klik tombol AutoArchive. Tentukan lokasi penyimpanan yang baru dan klik OK. Pindahkan lokasi penyimpanan file-file di dalam Outlook untuk mencegah data ikut hilang bila operating system rusak. Lebih baik lagi jika tempat penyimpanannya terpisah dari partisi lokasi aslinya. Misalnya, di drive D atau selain drive C.
* Microsoft juga memiliki add-in gratis untuk back-up secara otomatis. Nama add-in ini adalah Personal Folders Backup yang bisa diperoleh

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Posted by | Posted on 02.01 is a broadband speed analysis tool that allows anyone to test their Internet connection. Ookla provides this service for free to anyone curious about the performance of their connection to and from hundreds of locations around the world. Whether you test just for fun or you really need to certify and validate the true speed of your Internet connectivity, is the place to be. You can view all of your historical results, share them easily, and even compare them to others in your immediate area or around the globe.
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Using Online Article Websites to Promote Yourself

Posted by | Posted on 01.16

These days it really doesn't matter if you sell products and services online or offline. Your prospective buyers may live a block from you and can run down the street to purchase your goods. They will still likely find you, or at least keep up with your activities online. This is why you should use the Internet for your promotional and marketing efforts. So, how do you use online article websites to promote your business? The answer is really very simple.

Marketing through online article websites allows businesses to reach prospective clients down the block or on the other side of the world. The subjects of your online articles should be designed to reach your niche market. This is the group of prospective consumers that are already interested in your type of product or service. By beginning to make a name for yourself, you will become a recognized seller and an expert in your field. People will trust you and your advice and they will pass the word to others who may be interested in your products or services.

Online Article Marketing

Marketing your business through online article websites allows you to reach a huge number of prospective customers without spending a lot of money. These websites basically do all of the legwork for you. You only have to submit a well-written, keyword rich and informative article that conveys the information you want to get distributed. Interested consumers are already looking for information about your products or services. The more they see your name appear with informational content, the more they will see you as an expert on the subject.

Think about how you search for information about a particular subject. You type keywords into your search box, and the search engine brings up the matches for you. Seems easy enough, right? It really is. All you have to do is supply good information and proper keywords in your article and
the marketing website uses those keywords to get your article searched by the most popular search engines.

Writing the Online Article

Write a catchy headline that includes your keywords. The title is the first thing the search engine spiders will crawl to see if the article is appropriate to the requested search. It is your first chance to win someone over. A good title either grabs the readers' attention or makes them move on. The title should convey the topic your article covers.

Use keywords strategically placed throughout the article. Also be sure your article is search engine optimized (SEO) so that you are providing a lot of useful information that will be ranked high on the search engine lists. You submit the article to a good online article website and provide your website and contact information in the author's box. That's it!

When someone types in the keywords you have used, your article will be one of the references that appears on their results list. The more articles you submit like this, the more recognizable your name and product becomes. Internet technology has created new avenues for businesses to promote their websites, their products and services and their overall philosophies and knowledge about their area of expertise. Through the use of online article websites, you can promote and build your business successfully whether you want to remain small and home-based or become a multi-million dollar conglomerate. As you promote your business, you will also be able to do more of the following:

* Obtain more customers

* Enjoy the freedom of using the Internet on your own schedule

* Make use of all of the Internet marketing options available to you

* Take up less of your time for marketing efforts

You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by using online article websites to promote your business. Why not get that first article written and submitted to an online article website today? What are you waiting for?

Keyword Optimized Articles Make A Difference To Your Website

Posted by | Posted on 01.15

If you want to bring targeted traffic to your website, using keyword optimized articles is now considered one of the main methods. Promoting your site via the use of fresh, new articles or those from article directories has become very popular and convenient. This system works well because new articles are wanted by the search engines who are attempting to please their users. Even though most people use the Internet as a giant database, search engines view it like a massive information resource. When you view the internet from the perspective of the search engine and it is wise to do so, then when an article is rewritten it automatically becomes unique.

Ultimately though, fresh articles are a good way forward if you enjoy writing but there are some ground rules worth remembering. At first it may be easier to write about a subject that you are interested in and then carry out some online research so the article will be up to date. Once you have your material, it's important that you set it out correctly, with an introduction, a middle section, which will probably contain the core of the subject, and a conclusion. The last section to your article does not need to be more than about 4 or 5 sentences just to sum up with the whole article about 25 sentences or so long or between four to five hundred words. It is always easier to read an article if it
has been split into paragraphs and while there are no hard and fast rules, around 4 to 5 is ok but don't forget that at the end there needs to be a resource box with your details and any links you have.

Article writing is a great way to make money online whether it's through advertising and promotion for your website or for writing articles for other peoples' websites. If you are not full of ideas of what to write, then I can help you a way to start. One of the best ways I found was to write articles based on my own knowledge of a subject, in this instance photography, but only you will know what information you can give to others. If you would prefer not to write about your experiences, which would be a real waste, then why not write about smaller niche markets, which can open up all manner of possibilities.

Remember though, to improve your article writing skills it's important to use good writing techniques. Once you have found an unlimited source for ideas then you must write something every day for your skills to improve until it becomes second nature. Like most things in life at first this type of prolific writing may seem unnecessary but the more of it you do the better and easier it will become and the potential to earn more increases. These are obviously only my guidelines and have worked for me and may not suit everyone but it's important to remember that whatever method works for you, stick to them if you intend to write regularly.

The Right Use Of Articles

Posted by | Posted on 01.13

There are many tools to drive visitors to your website but the main one that should be employed is the use of articles. Article exchange has also become a popular way for people to get fresh content for their sites and as a method to promote them. The desires of internet users are very demanding and search engines are eager to please them with new unique articles on the subjects searched for. It's no secret that search engines look upon the internet as a source of written material just as people that use the internet consider it to be a huge, free database. When you view the internet from the perspective of the search engine and it is wise to do so, then when an article is rewritten it automatically becomes unique.

Ultimately though, fresh articles are a good way forward if you enjoy writing but there are some ground rules worth remembering. Once you have determined a topic to write on you need to do some research and this is easily done online by entering a search phrase for your topic into your favorite search engine. Setting the article out correctly is paramount otherwise it will not flow so you will need the subject introduction which may highlight a particular problem, then a middle section explaining the subject more, finishing with a conclusion. The conclusion is a winding up of all the information you have just written and doesn't need to be more than about four to five sentences with most pieces of work approximately twenty
to twenty five sentences long. They are easier to read if they are split into paragraphs, normally about five and don't forget to place a resource box at the end with your name and brief details including any links to sites you may have.

Making money online isn't just about writing articles for your self to promote your own website or business because you could even be asked to write articles for other people's websites, blogs etc. Would you like to know one of the little known secrets to good article writing? The easiest way to start is to write about something you already know because we all have special knowledge gained from our experience in life which we could pass on to others through an article or series of articles. Once you have exhausted that why not try a niche market one where you could write a series all based around a similar subject.

Good article writing techniques often win the day because many articles are saved primarily owing to the way they have been written and not because of the subject matter. By writing a piece every day to get the feel of writing and learn to identify the common problems faced by every other writer will improve your style very quickly. This method works well and that's the reason why I believe you should remember that the more writing you do, the more effortless and productive it will become. I cannot guarantee that this information will suit everyone but they are a set of guidelines to help you see that there is more to think about and involved if you intend to be a professional article writer.

Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods For The Skin

Posted by | Posted on 01.11

Aging and food are related. Do you know that foods play an important role in helping to fight the signs of aging. Different types of foods have different nutrients that can help us to sustain youth. Therefore it is very important to watch what you eat to ensure that you eat foods that can help you look young and feel young. You can feel the difference by looking at your skin, whether it is smooth or with wrinkles. So eating the right food can help you halt the signs of aging thus making you look younger for a longer time.

There are many categories of foods. Surprisingly, there is a category of foods known as superfoods. How do we define superfoods? Superfoods are foods that contain high amount of Essential Fatty Acids, antioxidants and fiber. However, superfoods may contain one or more of the nutrients. Studies shown that there are particular superfoods can reduce levels of cholesterol, lower the risk of heart diseases and ensure organs are functioning properly. The EFAs, antioxidants and fiber are able to provide sufficient nutrients for the body so that cells are able to repair itself and keep the digestive system healthy apart from erasing wrinkles.

Scientists have narrowed down the superfoods to the top ten superfoods that are proven to be fully beneficial. They are green foods, barley, acai, allium family, beans or lentils, sprouts, hot peppers, buckwheat, yogurt or kefir and nuts or seeds. These are the top superfoods that have high level of EFAs, antioxidants and fiber that are scinetifically proven against all other types of foods in the laboratories.

Green foods have the
power to lower the risk of getting cancers, lower the cholesterol levels and reduce the high blood pressure. Barley is the best source for fiber and it is useful in helping to regulate the level of blood sugar. Acai is full of antioxidants and EFAs. The allium family include garlic, onions, chives, shallots and leeks that have very powerful antioxidants for better liver functions. Beans and lentils are rich in antioxidants and have low GI. Sprouts are rich in protein and vitamin C.

Hot peppers on the other hand are full of antioxidants and also capsaicinoids that is anti-cancer compund. Buckwheat is not truely grain but it is healthier than rice, corn and wheat. Yogurt or kefir have live cultures that promote good health. Last but not least the nuts and seeds have EFAs to ensure healthy skin and is one the great superfoods. These are extremely powerful superfoods, otherwise they would not be in this group of superfoods.

The good thing about these superfoods is that they are not expensive and not difficult to find in local stores and supermarkets, thus you have easy access to all these foods. The price is affordable and it is all natural. To look good and feel young, you don't have to waste tons of money buying beauty products that are chemically produced. So, you don't have to consume poison to sustain youth but with natural foods you can achieve the same results and perhaps even better than dietary supplements.

So there you have it, the list of the top ten superfoods you should be eating more in your daily meals while cutting down on the others so that you will look and feel younger, live a healthy life, have firmer skin, no wrinkles and definitely, no signs of aging at all. Best of all it is a natural way.

How to Work From Home Using Your Computer

Posted by | Posted on 01.09

Many parents, especially mothers who already stay at home, consider the idea of working from home. Current gasoline prices are an added incentive for a parent not to leave the house. There are many choices for work at home positions including copy writing, data entry, and medical billing. These jobs can be adapted to the worker who chooses to set up an office in their home. If you work from home using your computer you should look into article writing.

Article writing is one of the little known options for working from home using your computer. Webmasters use articles to maximize the success of getting their website recognized by search engines. Most website
developers do not compose the articles for their websites themselves. They hire people to do it. This means that companies have surfaced who hire people to write short articles with specific keyword content to
provide this service to the webmasters. This has generated an opportunity for people who are seeking to work at home to earn a decent living. It is not a get rich scheme; you will not get rich writing articles. You will, with a lot of work and patience, be able to earn a paycheck and help to support your household.

Web articles do not need to be long and once you learn the tricks to writing them, you will find that you can create several articles an hour. If you work from home using your computer several hours per day, you can
earn a decent amount of money each week. The articles are targeted to several keywords or keyword phrases. These keywords are strategically placed in the article to maximize the chances of the web crawlers picking up on those keywords. Articles are generally three hundred to six hundred words in length. That sounds like a lot, but it really does not take long to write even 1000 words. Many times you will be asked to write several articles on the same subject. This can be very
easy once you learn how to rewrite paragraphs.

If you choose to work from home with your computer, it is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who wants the opportunity to leave the rat race or spend more time with their children. It eliminates the need for after
school care, child care for young children, emergency arrangements for a sick child, and expensive wardrobes to accommodate the needs of your job.

It is also an excellent option for people who may be disabled or for other reasons unable to acquire traditional employment. You are able to work your own hours. You can work during the day, while the kids are at school, or at night after the kids go to bed. You can work while you cook. You can work while you do laundry.

Working from home is convenient to you and beneficial to both the person who chooses to employ you and to your family. If you choose to work from home using your computer, you will be very happy that you made the choice when you see how happy your family is to have you around all of the time.

Strategi Mendatangkan Pengunjung

Posted by | Posted on 00.53

Strategi mendatangkan pengunjung, mudah - mudahan strategi yang saya bagikan ini bermaanfaat bagi ANDA. Ok sebenarnya strategi mendatangkan pengunjung ini sudah
biasa ditemukan akan tetapi tidak ada salahnyakan saya memposting lagi dengan
sedikit polesan yang berbeda. Kebetulan saya pribadi orangnya tidak suka bertele - tele jadi to the point saja. Sebelum saya bahas strategi mendatangkan pengunjung ada 3 jenis macam jenis pengunjung blog anda diantaranya : pengunjung baru ( benar - benar baru datang ke blog ANDA ), pengunjung sementara ( setiap bulan mungkin bisa datang berkali - kali ), dan pengunjung tetap ( setiap berinternet pasti blog anda dikunjugi ), nah disitu strategi mendatangkan pengunjung kita jalankan diantara : jalin hubungan atau berkenalan istilahnya, berkomentar (namanya ngeblog kalau mau terkenal ya harus berkomentar), update isi content
blog ANDA, itu saja strategi mendatangkan pengunjung, simple kan. Inti dari postingan ini saya siap menjadi pengunjung tetap blog anda ( setiap berinternet pasti blog anda saya kunjugi dan saya komentari ) yah dengan sedikit catatan anda pun juga begitu terhadap blog saya, mudahkan, cara seperti ini bisa menaikkan traffic dan membuat ramai blog ANDA lho, gak percaya yuk buktikan, tips ini saya dapatkan dari kk saya (update ebook cara membanjiri traffic) dan bagi yang blognya mau saya kunjungi dan saya komentari setiap hari silahkan tinggalkan jejak di komentar?

Wrinkle Cream Review On Athena 7 Minute Lift Cream

Posted by | Posted on 23.36

Is it possible for a wrinkle cream to erase wrinkles in just less than 10 minutes after using it? Some people agreed while others denied. The truth is, there is possibility where a wrinkle cream can erase wrinkles within 10 minutes after using it. Of course, there are so many wrinkle creams in the market but most of it will take months to work and often the results are not so noticeable. Usually, you can tell whether the product is good or not by using it the first time. Good product will show results immediately whereas not so good products will not show immediate effects but takes a longer time. The best way to find out is to try a little of the sample if available over the counter.

One of the really good wrinkle cream in the market is the Athena 7 Minute Lift Cream. One of the surprising fact of Athena 7 Minute Lift Cream is that it actually works in 7 minutes. This is not a lie. This is the truth and there are many customers giving positive testimonials about how good the product is and with the before and after pictures, you will be able to see the difference clearly. I can assure you that the before and after photos are all real, none of them have been retouched or edited by any professionals. We believe in results not lies. Another policy that we believe in is no testing on animals under any circumstances. Therefore this is a really user-friendly and environmental product you should support.

Athena 7 Minute Lift Cream is an affordable way to reduce fine lines
without having to inject chemicals such as Botox or going through dangerous and painful operations just to look and feel younger. Why put yourself into such a dangerous situation when you can look and feel younger with an easier and affordable way with Athena 7 Minute Lift Cream? Let me tell you about the ingredients that are used in the making of Athena 7 Minute Lift Cream. It is made of a mix of natural essential oils such as Organic Jasmine oil, lemon and orange peel oil, rose oil, grapefruit oil and many others, all combined with the high technology to produce the best antioxidant mixture to produce the wrinkle cream. However, be noted that even though it is stated to work in 7 minutes but the result will last for a very long time, not only for 7 minutes.

Athena 7 Minute Lift Cream has been clinically proven to produce positive results in only 7 minutes after using the cream. The results are positive for all the women who have tested this product. Can you imagine that 100% of the women who tried the product actually see results in less than 10 minutes. This is really amazing and I am sure you are very much interested after knowing more about this product. It is totally hypoallergenic and is confirmed to be a non-irritant cream thus it is safe and effective for all skin types. If you are interested in this product, you can buy this product that comes with free FedEx shipping to your location. If you order now, you will get to buy it at a promotional price of $89 only. The supply is enough for 60 days thus you have plenty to use to erase the wrinkles. All orders will be shipped within 24 hours.

Secrets To Eye Wrinkle Cream Serums You Must Know About

Posted by | Posted on 23.32

Do you know why the eye area is important? Do you realised that when people look at you for the first time, they focus on the eye area? Now that is why the eye area is important for all of us. The eyes are the window to our souls thus it is also the very first impression we show to people. People can judge your age by looking at your eye area condition so it is very important to ensure that the eye area is well protected and taken care of with the help of eye wrinkle cream.

The eye area is the most sensitive area and delicate. There are reasons why the eye area is prone to show signs of aging. The skin around the eye area is thinner than other facial area. There are thousands of movements every day like blinking and other facial expressions that affect the eye area. The eye area is also easily irritated and inflamed so it is really sensitive. In the end, your skin is showing fine lines, wrinkles and puffiness. Dark circle is also one of the signs of aging.

How do you fight all these signs? You will have to use the right eye wrinkle cream to combat the signs of aging around the eye area. Now, it is easy to say but difficult to do. Most of the women are using the wrong wrinkle eye creams that don't work so they wasted their time and money spent on useless products. One advice, always get a free trial
before buying any wrinkle eye cream to ensure that it really works on you. The free trial is really useful as you want to test the product and see the effectiveness. On the other hand, normally you are required to pay a small amount of handling and shipping fees for the trial. You have nothing to lose. It is better to spend a little to find the right product rather than spending a lot of money on something that doesn't work for you.

Other than applying the wrinkle eye cream, you must protect your skin by wearing sunglasses when you are outdoor. This is to prevent premature aging around the eye area. Many women love to have tan but beware, it is not good to your skin. Most of the women also failed to take care of their eyes when they are outdoor due to lack of beauty and health knowledge about the skin around the eye area and also the whole body. Daily diet is very important. What you eat will affect how you look. Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid processed foods to get more antioxidants. Add these in your daily meals be it breakfast, lunch or dinner.

So there you have it the steps of having beautiful skin around the eye area as well as the whole body. With the right wrinkle eye cream, a balanced diet and routine exercise, I am sure you will be able to sustain youth, live a better life and feel good about yourdelf. Always remember these tips and you are on your way to having firmer and beautiful skin.

Choosing The Right Face Wrinkle Cream

Posted by | Posted on 23.31

Cosmetic companies spend millions of dollars on advertising their products. One of these products is face wrinkle cream. Besides using a cream, you can use many other options for looking after your skin. If you smoke, then quitting smoking will go a long way in preserving your skin. What do you think the smoke and chemicals do to your skin? Smoking can speed up the aging process of the skin because it destroys skin cells.

If you eat many processed foods, it would be a good idea to either cut back or eliminate them altogether. Again, we are talking about chemicals entering your body that cannot be good for your complexion. Lifestyle changes go a long way in improving ones skin. If you drink too much alcohol then that is also not good for your skin. Too much of a bad thing will cause your skin to age prematurely. What we are saying here is that you should not rely only on a face wrinkle cream for your complexion; lifestyle changes are just as important.

Many people spend a fortune looking for the perfect face wrinkle cream. Consult with a dermatologist before spending any money on products that are not going to work. In addition to using a good facial cream, your diet should consist of fresh vegetables that are unprocessed, along with fruit as well. Try to eliminate as much processed food as possible.

If you are applying a
face wrinkle cream, then the best time to apply it is in the morning and at night before going to bed. Once you have made the appropriate lifestyle changes, do some research on the various facial creams that are available on the market. Again, rely on your dermatologist to point you in the right direction. In some situations, you cannot do anything for your facial wrinkles. There comes a time when you just have to accept the aging process gracefully.

One thing that a good face wrinkle cream will do is restore your confidence and self-esteem. If the lines on your face and neck make you feel older than you actually are then maybe there is something you can do about it. Many women are turning to all natural organic creams as part of their skin care routine.

Like we mentioned earlier, if you are going to spend the money on a face wrinkle cream then you might as well go all out and make the necessary lifestyle changes, otherwise a good cream will not work as well as it could if it is constantly fighting the chemicals you are adding to your body on a daily basis. With so many creams on the market that it is difficult to determine where the consumer can begin to look. As an informed consumer, you want what is best for you at a good price. Since there are so many creams to choose from, it may take some trial and error before you find one that works best for you. With that in mind, try to focus on the natural products rather than the synthetic products.

The Benefits And Side Effects Of Wrinkle Treatments

Posted by | Posted on 23.29

Botox Injections are a quick way to painlessly get rid of crow's feet, frown lines, and brow lines on your face. Botox has become very popular in recent years, especially because it's relatively inexpensive. This treatment is often used in addition to other facial plastic surgeries to enhance the final look. Botox injections are very safe, however, there are several side effects you should be aware of.

The side effects may include numbness or tingling at the location of the injection, some swelling or bruising around the injection, an allergic reaction to the product, lack of results after treatment, temporary headache, nausea, drooping eyebrow or eyelid (this can last for 2-3 weeks, but it's temporary), and flu-like symptoms. The good news is, you can avoid a lot of these Botox side effects by seeing a specialist who knows the proper techniques for injection.

Another way to avoid some of the common Botox side effects is to refrain from rubbing the injection area for about 12 hours after the procedure has been completed. Botox side effects are less of a concern if you visit an experienced and qualified cosmetic surgeon who has carried out many Botox procedures over the years. If you do some research on surgeons in your area, you should be able to find someone who knows Botox inside and out.

Botox injections have been performed for many years to erase facial lines and wrinkles on millions of people. Most Botox side effects are mild and shouldn't
be a concern - the procedure is not a risky one for most people. Most of the time minor bruising is the only problem, and this disappears quickly - use concealer makeup to cover the bruises until they go away. The reason for temporary drooping right after Botox injections is that the Botox sometimes spreads to nearby muscles.

Botox treatment costs less than you might expect - the affordable prices are a result of the ease of implementing this procedure and the number of treatments that surgeons carry out on patients. Again, Botox treatment is quite safe, but it may react with some herbal remedies, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, as well as heart and Alzheimer drugs. If you're thinking of getting Botox, consider the possible complications before going for the treatment.

Before most treatments, you will be asked for a list of all the prescription and over-the-counter medications that you're taking or have taken recently. This is to ensure you don't suffer any adverse side effects and become ill after the injections. If you have a neuromuscular disease, you should not have a treatment.

Costs for these treatments can vary, but it 's a relatively inexpensive procedure. It doesn't take very long to receive a Botox injection, and most people don't experience any discomfort during the procedure. As the years go by, prices for injections are expected to become even more affordable for the average person.

It's important to know that people with a neuromuscular disease shouldn't take Botox - neither should pregnant women nor nursing mothers.

Proper Facial Moisturizing Techniques

Posted by | Posted on 23.28

Moisturizing your face daily keeps your skin looking healthy and younger for many years, which is why it is very important to make it a habit to moisturize. Unfortunately, many men and women fail to reach this step in their skincare routines because of being rushed or simply forgetting. Not moisturizing properly can cause wrinkles, cause the skin to be dry, and causes the skin to lose elasticity. These are very important elements to making sure your face looks refreshed and quenched. Even if you don’t see the benefits immediately, you will see them as you age. In the end, you will be glad you did it and this goes for both men and women.

However, some men believe that they don't have to moisturize, but this is a common myth. There are moisturizers out there for men because it is just as important to delay the aging process as it is for women. Perhaps it is the advertising campaigns for moisturizers that only show women that may be the reason behind this misconception. However, when a man goes to the men's section of the health and beauty department at their local department store, they will find that there are a lot of different moisturizers for them to use as well.

The trick is knowing exactly how to moisturize. There is actually a right way and a wrong way. The wrong way is not going to be as effective as the right way. What you want to do is make sure you get the most out of your moisturizer and the only way you're going to do that is by following these tips:

• You want to wash your face every single morning with a moisturizing cleaner that is made just for
the face.

• After washing your face with your moisturizing cleaner, you want to pat your face dry. You don't want to rub it because this is considered to be abrasive to the skin.

• If you are a man, you want to shave before you apply any type of product to your face. You want to pay a visit to your health and beauty department at your favorite department store and purchase a shaving cream that is made just for moisturizing the skin.

• If you are a woman, you want to apply the moisturizer before putting on any makeup.

• If you have naturally dry skin, be sure to apply the moisturizer at various points throughout the day.

• At the end of the day, you want to use the face wash you used in the morning to get rid of any dirt that has accumulated on your skin throughout the day. For the women, it is important to remove all makeup.

• You also want to apply a moisturizer before going to bed because when you are asleep is when your body rests and repairs.

By taking these steps, you are properly utilizing your moisturizer by putting it on at the right time during your facial routine. You should clean your face twice a day and throughout the day if your skin is dry. When shopping for a good moisturizer, you want to look at products that have some kind of sun protection. They usually will give you an SPF number and you know the higher the number, the better protection you get from the harmful rays of the sun. This can give you further help in preventing aging and skin cancer. Lastly, be sure to be gentle during washing because you do not want to have to contend with irritation and redness that can be unsightly and uncomfortable.

Blogging And Your Business - How To Avoid The Blogging Blues

Posted by | Posted on 23.05

Blogging is a way for people to get to know you over a period of time. There are about 80 million blogs on the internet, but most of these have been abandoned and long forgotten within a month or two of being created. When I started blogging, almost three years ago now, I could not understand why someone would take the time to set up a blog, only to let it go after such a short amount of time.

As I continued blogging, I realized that it took more time and effort than I had originally anticipated. After just a couple of months I felt like I had said everything I had to say on the topics I was writing about. I began to post less and less frequently to my blog and soon I dreaded the thought of making even one more post. That's when I decided to get professional help. No, I did not seek out the advice of a psychiatrist or therapist. Instead, I found a blogging mentor program where I could connect with other bloggers and receive guidance from the professional bloggers who were the founders of this mentor program.

Over the next few months I learned more about blogging than I could ever have imagined. I became energized
with new ideas and methods for getting readers to my blog and posting on a regular basis. I also connected with the other members of the mentor program and had an opportunity to ask them questions about various aspects of their blog and online business. I could see right away that many of the members were doing extremely well on the internet, and I had the chance to emulate some of their methods.

The best part of this blogging mentor group and forum is the learning process that goes on. We have access to training calls and teleseminars, as well as having our questions answered promptly. This has become the first place I go when I am looking for a joint venture partner, outsourcing recommendations, and information on monetizing my specific niche.

There are so many forums and mentor programs available on the internet that it is difficult to sort out which programs are legitimate and will help you to build a profitable online business. I feel fortunate to have found this one because now I have about three hundred people who are as serious about blogging and incorporating new ideas into their online businesses as I am. I encourage you to make a connection like this and blog your way to online success.

How To Create A Website With WordPress

Posted by | Posted on 23.02

Many people think that WordPress is just a blogging platform. The truth is that Wordpress can be used to create just about any type of website in just a few steps! What's more, Wordpress is fully customizable - you can get it to function however you need it to function. If you want to learn how to create a website with WordPress, here are a few hints to help you get started.

1. WordPress works best when hosted independently. While you can cheaply use wordpress hosting, you will be forced to use a (dot) wordpress (dot) com domain names. If you want to use your own domain name (always a good idea if you want your website to have any credibility), you can download the free version of WordPress and install it yourself.

2. If you aren't very installation-savvy when it comes to web applications and platforms, you can ask a webmaster or choose a hosting company which supports php web programming language and MySql database. Both of which are a must for any wordpress website. Fantastico & Plesk, which are part of most website hosts, will also allow you to install WordPress with just a few clicks of your mouse. This means that your website can be up and running in a matter of minutes.

3. Take some time to find a WordPress template that works well with your type of website. If, for example, you want to sell a variety of affiliate products, you will want to choose a layout that looks more like a magazine or store than a blog.

4. Try to find a WordPress template that is advertising enhanced. This will allow you to integrate your Google Adsense codes and other advertising codes with very little programming. At the same time don't overdo it unless you prefer chasing your visitors off.

5. Learn enough HTML and CSS programming to tailor your template to your tastes. The nice thing about WordPress is that it is fully customizable-you can change colors, margins, fonts-everything! If you have the resources, you can get a webmaster or even hire someone to create a Custom WordPess template for you!

6. WordPress has thousands of plug-ins that will help you create mailing lists, regulate comments, keep the spammers at bay, etc. Utilize these plug-ins they will save you hours of coding.

Before you know it, you will have turned a standard WordPress installation into a completely customized and functioning website. Whether you want to run an online 'zine, open a web-store, start a blog or create a topic-centric website that makes its money with advertising, WordPress can do all of these things for you and it can do all of them for absolutely free.

Or just have a webmaster install it for you -- we have some really good webmasters that can help.

Monetizing Your Blog - And Keep Total Control

Posted by | Posted on 22.59

The main task for many people who want to write and create their own blog is to make some money from it at the same time. You can become known as an expert on a particular subject that you love by writing a blog regularly, but there is nothing sweeter than earning revenue from it as well.

Some people choose to sign up with a service that pays them for their blog posts if they write about certain services or products in a positive way. Other people don't like using this type of service though as it means they cannot be as objective as they would like to be.

If you want to write truthfully and keep total control over your blog then your best bet is to use contextual advertising, such as Google Adsense or text links of various types. Contextual ads mean that if your blog is about tropical fish then your ads will be related to that subject as well.

You can also find affiliate products and links that will enable you to earn money for recommending services and products to your readers. Again, these should be related to the subject of
your blog - and you will usually find that you get a high click through and take up rate for this kind of monetization.

The main thing to remember is that what you write will always be paramount. Don't be tempted to fill your blog with links, recommendations and sales patter, because people will assume your main purpose of writing a blog is to make money from it. That may well be true but you need to offer real value and real content for free, to keep people coming back to read everything you write. And that will bring traffic. The more traffic the more ad revenue, whether it's Google Adsence or selling ad space to advertisers, it's all based people liking your content.

You also need to make sure that your blog is configured for SEO, this is very important so that your good content will get indexed by the search engines.

In the end while monetizing a blog to bring in an income is a big goal of many bloggers, you should always think of your readers above everything else. If you do that you will find your blog can really take off and bring you more regular readers, traffic and money than you might have thought.

Blog Directories Can Bring Big Traffic to Your Blog

Posted by | Posted on 22.58

When the Internet was young, search engine traffic came at a premium price. Websites could buy their way into search engine listings, but there was no guarantee that the purchase would result in a significant amount of traffic.

Today, the rules are much different. In some ways it's much easier to get great traffic from search engines, but in other ways it's even harder. A website has to have a lot of clout before Google or Yahoo will list it in their top returns, but there are many ways to make your site more attractive to the search engines.

If you're trying to build traffic for a blog, the best thing you can do for increased traffic is to blog and ping. This slightly humorous-sounding term simply means that you let blog directories know each time you make a new blog post.

By cluing in the blog directories whenever you add a new blog post, you're building traffic in two ways. You might get an initial rush of traffic from the blog directory as readers click through to see your new entry. The real magic happens when the search engines follow the link from the blog directory back to your blog.

The search engine then finds other material to index. As you keep getting more links to your blog, the search engine has more pages to index. Eventually you'll find your blog turning up in searches. You won't be in the top couple of pages right away, but you will see your search engine traffic rise.

Blog and ping might sound a little complicated, but it's actually very easy. Most major
blog platforms ping the major blog directories automatically. If you want to ping a blog directory that's not listed in their default list, you can usually add it manually.

What if you don't actually have a blog yet? Well, it's time to hop on the bandwagon. Blogs are useful for conveying your personal thoughts to anyone and everyone, about whatever subjects you choose. You can keep in touch with far-away relatives or just give yourself a creative outlet.

Lately, though, blogs are used quite often as marketing tools for businesses. The business blog can take many forms, from an informal journal kept by a CEO to a formal, frequently-updated record of new products.

Setting up a new blog is not difficult at all, and you have several options to do it. Most often, new bloggers set up a blog with one of the popular blogging platforms. These platforms offer standard templates, or you can create your own to match your company's color scheme or your personal preferences.

Once your blog is set up and ready to go, don't forget to make sure that it pings every blog directory possible. Blogging without pinging the blog directories is like spinning your wheels: you're doing something, but you're not making any progress.

If your blogging platform does not support pinging or doesn't submit to the directories you want, you can use software to accomplish the same thing. It's available under many different titles, but the basic function is to take your most recent blog post and send it to several blog directories. Your links start building up, your search engine traffic increases, and you are one happy blogger.

Have Fun And Make Money Blogging

Posted by | Posted on 22.56

There are certainly some very exiting rewards by being a blogger. Some individuals do it for the sheer fun of sharing their knowledge and idea on certain topic of interest, and others may participate in the hope of making money from blogging. There are plenty of stories about those who have made it big and creating six figure incomes from this.

The blogger of today will have many choices how to make money blogging. Selling ad spaces or placing affiliate links are just two of the thousands of creative ways you can make money. There are endless blog possibilities just waiting to be tapped. There is one thing left to achieve before it will work and that is 'the big T'. The big T essential for success is traffic!

Here are some monetization options that you can embark in, supposing that you already have a great traffic. PayPerPost and ReviewMe is a good choice for beginners. The good thing about these services is that they aren't related to click through rates or traffic. For busy bloggers, these are indeed a godsend. Try writing review for others, for a charge, as another way to make money from blogging option.

This is a tried and tested method to earn money fast. Do take care of these important points before you start. One mistake is to post only when you have a review to make. Too many posts that are sponsored will lose you regular readers; only write reviews that are relevant to your core subject(s).

There are more options available
to you if the benefits depend on the reader's responses and purchases. A good example of this in action is affiliate offers. With this option, you should have the ability to incorporate the existing contents of your blogs with the offers that let you earn money. For instance if you blog on repairing credit, then use every opportunity to provide links to various products that are related, using your affiliate links. You can expect great results in a short time. Key players include NeverBlueAds, AzoogleAds, Share-a-Sale, and Commission Junction; you can find lucrative offers by visiting them online.

If you want a less invasive option, this is what's for you - try introducing content-based advertising on the pages of your website. This is program that will show only those advertisements that are relevant to the contents of the page. The Yahoo advertising and Google Adsense are good examples of ad networks using such systems.

You can join into the league of successful people making a regular income through this system. Each time someone visits your blog, you can earn money because those ads are a part of the blog so you will make money. Your visitors will also get some benefit by clicking on those relevant ads.

What's stopping you? Choose the money making option that will work for you; however, although there are plenty available do not expect everyone to work. If you want to be a successful blogger, you must have the right attitude and qualities. You can make a good income using your talent. Start blogging today and make some good money from your effort.

How Much Do the Little Things on Your Blog Matter ?

Posted by | Posted on 22.54

As you work on your blog, it's good to read up on ways to improve your chances for success. There are so many things you can do to bring up your readership or generally improve your blog.

You can drive yourself crazy trying to figure it all out. You'll even find strong opinions on what seem to be little things.

Full vs. Partial Feeds

This one can get quite a bit of debate. Full feeds are great for people who use feed readers and just want to get their blog reading done, but the blog itself may lose out on traffic from those readers.

Partial feeds mean that the first part of your posts must drag people into clicking to read the rest of the post. But some readers will unsubscribe if you require this of them.

There are some strong feelings on both sides of this. Some bloggers worry about their feeds being scraped if they use full feeds. Others want readers to come to their blogs to hopefully improve the number of comments and maybe even ad clicks.

Personally, I go for full feeds simply as the most functional option for readers. Anyone who is moved enough to comment still has to click through to the site. Properly added product recommendations will still make it through to the feed reader, so you can still get affiliate commissions.

Displaying Feed Counts

Having a lot of readers is a wonderful thing for a blog. It's one of the things that makes blogging worthwhile. Some bloggers display their feed counts, while others don't.

And of course some fake the numbers so that they look popular. All too easy to do and generally too easily discovered.

I've seen general agreement that if you have fewer than 100 subscribers to your feed, you may as well forget about displaying the count. You aren't getting the social proof that you should want from this. Some will say to wait for even higher numbers, but that's up to the
individual blogger.

Even some sites with a huge number of subscribers will prefer to not show numbers.

Don't bother faking counts, as being caught out greatly damages your reputation. Instead, think about why it is you want your count to show.

In many cases, it is for that social proof that a lot of people are subscribing to your site. Feed subscriptions don't tell the whole story, but it's a number that is easily made public.

Just keep in mind that there are other ways for people to tell how much traffic your blog is getting. The number of comments is a good clue. A high subscriber count displayed with few comments (assuming comments are turned on) can indicate a problem.

Using the Right Social Media Sites

Social media websites have proven to be an amazing way to get the word out about individual blog posts. But if you try to sign up and participate in them all, you're going to drive yourself crazy and possibly be counted as a spammer if you do nothing more than self-promote.

I'll be perfectly clear. Social media can make a huge difference to your blog and the traffic you get. But overdoing it is not the answer.

Pick one or two to start with, and participate on them. Promote your own things occasionally, but your main focus should be on being a good member. You're looking to build a solid reputation and some trust. Network with people doing well on those sites as well as with others just starting out. Get a real feel for what goes over well.

Don't give yourself too hard a time about learning it all right away. There's a lot to figure out and taking your time to understand what you're trying to accomplish will do more than plunging blindly in.

While any of these can make a difference in how your site grows, they really aren't that likely to make or break you. Even your own use of social sites, which can drive serious traffic at times, can matter far less than if your readers use them. Give yourself time and work the way that is best and most productive for you.

Blog Instant Traffic Tips

Posted by | Posted on 22.52

Do you have a new blog or website that you have spent weeks making just right? Have you have shown it to all your friends and family, and yet, something is missing? Something very important - ah yes, traffic.

It turns out that almost anyone can make a blog or website these days and make it look pretty darn good. But traffic is another story. What's the use of having that site if no one is around see it and interact with it? And how are your going to differentiate your site from all the other millions of them out there? If you ever hope to sell things on your blog and make a little money you surely can't do it without traffic!

Before you ever start thinking about traffic you should have thought about a theme for your blog. What will make it different and stand out in a crowd? What will make people go to your site and want to keep coming back? What exactly is the purpose and what is your goal with the site? It is best to figure that out right from the beginning, before you are several months in and it is too late.

When you have your site up, you are then faced with that new challenge of getting traffic. I have found that one of the first things you need to do is register your blog with the social blogging sites MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog. It might take
a day to get your blog approved and you should use that time to fill out all the info you can. Fill out your profile, put in a picture avatar, fill in all the tags (subjects your blog is about), and fill out your "about me" page.

Once your blog is approved get ready for some serious clicking. What you are going to do is join every community you can and especially add as many "contacts" or "friends" as you can. MyBlogLog will only allow you to add 15 new contacts a day and that will only take you 5 minutes. But that is 5 minutes you want to make sure you do each and every day! BlogCatalog is different and it will allow you to add as many friends as you like. I have added over 300 on occasion and only stopped when I couldn't take it anymore.

How does this get your site traffic? Many of the people you add as friends will be curious to see who is adding them as a friend. They will click on your profile page and then through to your website. Not everyone will do this but I guarantee a fair percentage will. If you add 300 friends on BlogCatalog I will almost guarantee you will get 50 to 100 hits on your website within the next 24 hours. And it is all FREE! Now it may not be the most targeted traffic you will ever get but if you have a nice blog with a good hook, you will get some interest. Just keep adding friends and writing good content and you will be on your way!

How to Determine the Length of Your Blog Posts

Posted by | Posted on 21.16

Bloggers seem to wrestle with the issue of how often they should be posting. I do not think this is overly important though as for me, quality is always more important that quantity. I think a bigger issue is determining how long a blog post should be.

When I started blogging, I would publish a new post every single day. Before long, this became too much and I began to cut down by posting two or three times per week. Since making this change, there is no doubt that the quality of my posts has improved. Perhaps as a natural consequence, I have found that the length of my posts has also increased.

It goes without saying that longer blog posts mean more content. Search engines love content, so it goes without saying that the more you write, the more they will love you. Having said this though, you must never lose sight of the fact that your primary objective is to satisfy your human readers, not the search engines.

By forcing yourself to write shorter blog posts, you should find that your posts become far more concise and succinct. It is worth remembering that most blog readers simply scan the text of your posts to pick out the content that is relevant to them. Shorter posts cut to the chase and avoid filler and fluff. Consequently you may find that forcing yourself to keep within a certain word limit advantageous.

On the flip side, you may alienate readers that are looking for thorough and deep analysis. This should not be too much of an issue if your blog posts are free to read, however you need to bear in mind that if you are
charging people to access your content, readers will expect far more depth, exploration and analysis.

When deciding on how long your blog posts should be, you should consider exactly what it is you have to say. Of course, if you have a lot to talk about on a certain subject, your post may well be longer than usual. If you only have a few basic points you want to cover, then cover them without filler and padding. As long as you have covered what you want to say, the length of the posts is right.

Similarly, if what you are covering is rather complicated, your posts will probably be longer as a result. Just because you have an average post length, you should not restrict yourself to this limit if you are blogging about something that is rather complicated. Readers will expect some posts to be longer than others, depending on the subject matter of your post.

Something else to consider when deciding how long your blog posts should be is the frequency of your posting. I feel that the more often you post, they shorter they can be. You may actually end up overwhelming your readers if you are posting articles of over 500 words in length every single day!

There is no such thing as the perfect length of a blog post. You should simply write until you have covered all the points you wanted to say. Once you have written the post, go back through it and ensure you have not inadvertently padded it out with filler and irrelevant statements. If you are ever in doubt, it is always worth asking your readers what they think. I see bloggers asking many people for advice. Very often though, they fail to ask the very people they are trying to satisfy ... their own readers!

Start a Blog Marketing Business

Posted by | Posted on 21.14

An Increasing number of aspirants are making money online through blog marketing. Blog marketing is nothing, but an online magazine, wherein bloggers post content and useful information. It is fun writing blogs and reading blogs written by other people. It is not necessary for bloggers to write their own opinions. They can also mention tips, tricks, ideas, and resources in their blogs.

The main benefit of writing a blog is that, people do not require any kind of HTML tactics. There are set scripts, which people can install on their server easily with equipped templates. In addition, there is a service Blogger, wherein for a single click by any user, bloggers get commission.

In certain cases, bloggers get their entire job done through blog marketing. Most of the scripts have a special tool to inform topmost blog search engine about the new posts. Thus, blog search engines automatically produce link to the bloggers post. It is possible for bloggers to gain views by simply using this mode of blog marketing.

Significance of Blogging:

There are several methods to monetize blogs, and create multiple streams of income. One easy way to gain from blog marketing is installing AdSense ads. When a visitor clicks on this ad, bloggers receive a commission of $1.00 or more. Many visitors after finding anything appealing in a blog stay longer and click the links and ads placed in these blogs.

While deciding to start blogging, bloggers need to consider
their hobbies and the things they would wish to post in their blogs. An easy way to make use of blog marketing is by writing about something that appeals and attracts more number of visitors to those blogs.

Bloggers need to understand that most visitors log on to the Internet just for getting reliable information. Hence, they mostly search through keywords that give benefits to them in respect of service. It is a general fact that most people search ways to make online income. Hence, bloggers need to grasp all the attention of viewers by posting relevant contents that fulfill all needs and wants of visitors.

However, it is of great use to write about online marketing, personality development, real estate investment, finance, or web design to grasp attention of viewers. In addition, tips on topics, such as how to invest in real estate, how to be healthy, recent trends in online marketing, dieting tips, and reviews on movies and celebrities work efficiently in driving more interest to a blog.


Blogs are increasingly becoming a useful tool to communicate with online viewers. This is the only medium that allows bloggers to have a two-way communication. It is unlike a business conversation with customers, since here, customers can also talk about their reviews and thoughts regarding the business.

Blog marketing is the latest innovative marketing strategy on the Internet. It offers an authentic source of hot earnings, provided bloggers give strong set-up and the right impulse. Certainly, it is a profitable source of income and remains consistent in future.

Earn Money From Your Website by Displaying Advertisements

Posted by | Posted on 21.12

The first thing you need to do to make money from your website or blog is to get some traffic to your site. The more traffic, the better.

The reason this is important is because website and blog owners earn money either by ad impressions or by clicks on ads.

Getting paid per impression means you get a certain dollar figure per 1000 times the ad is displayed to a visitor to your site. This is called eCPM.

The other way website owners generally get paid is from cpc ads, which stands for cost per click. These types of ads generate revenue each time someone clicks the ad.

Google Adsense is often one of the first online advertising platforms website owners experiment with for several reasons. It is easy to use, it's easy to place, and Adsense ads look like standard web link and tend to get a lot of attention from visitors.

It is one of the best content relevant advertising systems online today.

There are other programs that you can run alongside Adsense to create more opportunities to earn money online.

I've experimented with many of them. Clickbank and Commission Junction are affiliate programs, which means you get paid when someone purchases one of their products from your site. This is a harder way to earn money than if you get paid
just per click of per impression, but the payouts tend to be larger. Sometimes much larger.

Kontera is an ad network that runs on java. With Kontera, you get paid every time someone clicks one of the links on your pages. Inside the text that you write, certain words will get highlighted and become links. If they get clicked, you get money.

The payout on this program tends to be very small, but if you have hundreds or thousands of pages running the ads, you may be able to make some decent pocket change.

Widgetbucks is an online advertising company that is growing in popularity because it has good payouts per click and per impression. Widgetbucks works with Adsense. It's a very effective program because you get paid every time your ads get clicked in addition to every time the ads get displayed.

This means you get paid for CPC and eCPM from Widgetbucks. It pays very well and the ads are easy to integrate into your site. They are designed well and you have a lot of latitude in choosing what products they display.

This is good because you can choose more expensive products, which means you will get paid more. But you always want to make sure the ads are relevant to what your site is about.

Adsense is a great program. I have also had success with Widgetbucks, as well as some affiliate programs. In terms of ease of use, Adsense and Widgetbucks are the best.

Is Stumble Upon Traffic Worthless ?

Posted by | Posted on 21.10

This could be a review of StumbleUpon but since I have nothing to compare it to it isn't. There is simply no website or service that is similar to it. Website owners seem to love it but I think it is quite worthless in terms of meaningful traffic. Here's why:

I have been "Stumbled" twice recently and both times I have come to the same conclusion that StumbleUpon traffic is pretty useless. StumbleUpon is actually a great site that allows you to surf the Internet. It's a lot of fun for the surfer but for the websites they are surfing I am not sure there is much value.

Once you join up to SumbleUpon a toolbar will be installed on your computer (this is the part I don't like) and you will be asked to check the boxes of categories that interest you. If you check the humor box you will be taken to websites that fall into the humor category and the politics box will get you political websites etc.

Once you have done that you are ready to go. Put on your seatbelt and press the "Stumble" button on your new toolbar! You will then immediately be taken randomly to a website that falls into the categories you just chose. Once there you can stick around and peruse the site or push the stumble button again. Another new site will pop up and after that one other and another and another. Now you are now truly
surfing the net!

Stumbling the web can be very entertaining but I only do it when I am bored or have time to kill. One of my categories is humor so I go from supposedly funny website to funny website. Some are better than others, of course, but it is a great way to see what is out there in your categories.

The problem is that when I stumble I am in the mood for some fast action. I don't want to be bothered with heavy reading and just want to be amused. I think it is this way with many others as well. When I am in that mood, I am not going to slow down too long to read anything and I am truly just surfing.

This brings me back to the premise of this article that StumbleUpon traffic is useless. I know that I definitely could be classified as "useless" when I stumble and my stats show that others are the same way. The last time I got Stumbled I had an additional 500 people view my site in under 2 hours. On that day I did not make any new sales, adsense income, or RSS subscriptions that were above and beyond the norm. The people were there, but only briefly. My site is a blog with posts and not that many videos or pictures. It takes visual stimulation to keep them there longer I believe and my blog does not have that.

Being Stumbled is great for the stats and very exciting when it happens but kind of a let down afterward. It's kind of like going on a game show and coming home empty handed!